If you’ve done any sort of trail riding, you’ve likely used saddle bags. As with most things in the horse and tack world, the options are endless and, for some, overwhelming. Pommel bags, cantel bags, medicine bags, full saddle bags. Then there’s different materials available: nylon, canvas, leather…What about sizes? Just a little trail ride and you might be happy with a small pommel bag, but a full day in the saddle might make you lean towards larger saddle bags for snack storage. Snacks are very important in our house, for man and beast! Endurance riders seem to have a style they lean towards, while the western world seems to like their particular look. The possibilities really seem endless.
I’ve been wanting to add saddlebags to our line up, and now that we have a respectable bag line up, it’s time to make a prototype and give it a whirl.
For those of you that could be interested for full day saddle bags, what are your go to’s for carrying and what are your needs for space? Comment below and we will take it all into consideration! Or don’t, and I’ll design it all by myself. 😉