Today I will introduce our black ball of muscle and attitude, Kenzie the Scottish Terrier. Camron had Kenzie when I came into his life, and boy, did she have her daddy wrapped around her meaty little paw! Kenzie has loads of personality. Some days it feels like TOO much personality! She is a terrier through and through. Tough and tenacious, full of confidence and sass, she acts like she’s a big dog, and we joke that she has no sense of self preservation. She will launch herself into the river to retrieve sticks, even though her thick body was not built for swimming. She has no quit, she tells time, has a vocabulary, is bossy, demanding, and holds a grudge for a hours. Kenzie loves meeting new people, and will dance around as they proclaim how cute she is, but will dodge their attempts at petting her. Scotties are known to be aloof and she is in her own way.
Kenzie will be ten in the spring, but you wouldn’t know it. We also joke that she would be very happy living in La Jolla and going on coffee and lunch dates, but instead she’s stuck with her boring, antisocial parents.

Kenzie is larger than life, jovial, proud, a snuggle bug, and a pain in the ass. If you own a terrier, you know the struggle. 😆


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