Gabby is our sweet and silly Wirehaired Pointing Griffon (also known as a Griff or a Korthals Griffon). Gabby knows no bad days. She hasn’t a mean bone in her body.  She loves to run, hunt, hike and bike ride. In Gabby’s mind, everything is a grand adventure. She exudes JOY every minute of the day and I like to say she shoots sunbeams out of her toes. Griffs are bird dogs and meant to go all day, which this girl can do! Last fall we did a quick trip around Idaho, and stopped in Stanley to do the Big Casino Loop on our bikes. It was a HUGE day and that girl did the whole damn thing. I absolutely love seeing her out on the mountain with us. The steeper the terrain the better, and she is 100% her dad’s trail dog. She LOVES food, and has never turned her nose up at anything ever offered. She’ll suck down any fruit, vegetable, meat, snack, ice cube, and is extremely food motivated. Gabby thrives in cold weather, and gets excited when she wakes up and sees the snow falling. She springs through snow and brush like a fox, and always makes you laugh.

She brings a lot of light, love and happiness to our lives. She’s goofy and silly, and reminds you to take life less seriously. She is so kind, but under that sweet and scruffy face is an athlete that was bred to go, and we give her that every day. Gabby is a special girl, and I really feel that bringing her into our lives made our family complete. 💛🦌❄️🍪🏔🦊


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