For those new followers, we recently lost Cinco in a tragic pasture accident on December 14, 2021. It was traumatic for me and my husband. I really went back and forth on sharing Cinco in this series….But damn it if he wasn’t a huge foundational stone of our family. How can I share our family without talking about the animal that forever changed my life and soul? When I think of our family, I still think of him being apart of it, even though his physical body left us.
He was a damn good horse. I never imagined I would lose him that way. I still find myself in shock, when I wake up in the morning and realize he’s gone. I get physically ill when I think back on that awful day. I told a friend, it’s like I’ve got this gaping, bleeding wound, and I’m walking around in public with a fake smile on my face frantically trying to stop the bleeding and no one even notices. Losing him has forever changed me. A large part of me went with him when he left.
Grief is universal, but I’m finding we each walk the path of grief and healing individually. Some days I feel okay. Then I have moments of grief that violently consume me.
He was the WHY behind Born Free Leather. He kept me going on my darkest days. He will forever be apart of me, and I will forever be changed by the loss of him.
Fly free, wild one. You are missed beyond words.